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North Korea fires rocket toward South′s loudspeakers 軍 ″북한군, 서부전선 우리 부대 포
North Korea fires rocket toward South′s loudspeakers 軍 ″북한군, 서부전선 우리 부대 포
EARLY EDITION 18:00 North Korea fires rocket toward South's loudspeakers
PRIME TIME NEWS 22:00 North Korea fires rocket toward South's loudspeakers
South Korea fires back at North Korea after Pyongyang launches projectile
North and South Korea 'exchange fire' - BBC News
N. Korea denies provoking exchange of fire with S. Korea 북한, 포탄 도발 전면부인…″
N. Korea flexing muscles at border: source 합참 ″북한군, 대북방송시설 타격 조짐 없다″
North Korea fires 16 short-range rockets into waters on Sunday
N. Korea warns of possible attack on Yeongpyeong shelling anniversary 북. 연평도 포
[News Today] 8월 21일
DAY BREAK 06:00 N. Korea issues threat after Koreas exchange fire across border